Risorse in rete
Associazioni e istituzioni / Associations and institutions
- http://www.graffiti.org/ (il maggior repertorio mondiale di graffiti / the most important graffiti catalogue in the world)
- Associazione italiana writers Tribù dell'indice
- Associazione italiana paesi dipinti (muri dipinti nei borghi storici / painted walls in historic towns)
- Zerouno3nove (associazione culturale / cultural association)
- Inward (Osservatorio sulla cultura del writing)
- Urban Code (associazione culturale: organizza piccole mostre e il meeting of styles)
Siti di e su writers / Sites about or made by writers
- http://www.sacrepitture.com/
- http://www.108art.tk/ (artista/artist 108)
- http://www.aerosolart.it/ (sito generico con interviste, eventi ecc. / general, with events, interviews ecc.)
- http://www.artekaos.com/ (artista/artist Arte Kaos)
- http://www.laspe.info/ (artista/artist Aspe)
- http://www4.autistici.org/apb/abbominevole.htm (artista/artist Abbominevole)
- http://www.biescrew.com/ (Bies Crew)
- http://www.blublu.org/ (artista/artist Blu)
- http://www.brosart.com/ (artista/artist Bros)
- http://www.chito.it/ (artista/artist Chito)
- http://www.eron.it/ (artista/artist Eron)
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/eno_ktm_ngc/ (artista/artist Eno)
- http://fotolog.com/nidem (pagine di Nidem)
- http://www.fotolog.com/ranacammello (artista/artist Ranacammello)
- http://www.fotolog.com/summerpoim (artista/artist Summerpoim)
- http://www.fotolog.com/rise03 (artista/artist Rise03)
- http://www.hellomynameis.it/ (collection of Italian graffiti)
- http://www.hitnes.org/ (artista/artist Hitnes)
- http://www.ihhco.com/ (italian Hip Hop Culture Online)
- http://www.mcgiaime.it/ ((artista/artist Giaime Fiumanò)
- http://www.microbo.com/ ((artista/artist Microbo)
- http://www.comune.torino.it/murarte/cose.htm (Progetto Murarte)
- http://www.napalkidz.it/ ((artista/artist Napal - Kidz San Lorenzo)
- http://www.paopao.it/ ((artista/artist Pao)
- http://www.southrome.it/ (Ostia style)
- http://www.stradanove.net/ (generico/generic)
- http://www.topoftorino.it/ (crew Tof of Torino)
- http://www.thoms.it/ ((artista/artist Thoms)
- http://www.23recordz.net/ (crew 23 recordz)
- http://www.soevv.com/ (artista/artist Soevv)
- http://www.wildstylers.com/ (generico/generic)
- http://globalstreetart.com/ (portale sulla street art londinese, ma non solo)
- http://craitoiu.blogspot.com/2007/05/graffiti-in-bucuresti.html (blog rumeno)
- http://www.alexandreorion.com/ ((artista/artist Alexandre Orion, Brasile/Brazil)
- http://www.at149st.com/ (New York movement)
- http://www.backjumps.com/ (tedesco/German)
- http://www.banksy.co.uk/ ((artista/artist Banksy)
- http://www.barcelonastreetart.net/ (su/about Barcellona)
- http://bleklerat.free.fr/ ((artista/artist Blek Le Rat)
- http://www.daimgallery.com/ ((artista/artist Daim, Germania/Germany)
- http://www.danwitzstreetart.com/ ((artista/artist Dan Witz)
- http://www.ekosystem.org/ (generico/generic)
- http://www.graphotism.com/ (generico/generic)
- http://www.karltoon.de/ (artista/artist Karl Toon)
http://www.km4042.de/ (in tedesco/in German) - http://www.iguapop.net/artists/missvan.html (artista/artist Miss Van, Francia/France)
- http://obeygiant.com/main.php/ (artista/artist Obey)
- http://www.thundercut.com/main/index.php?category=outside (artista/artist Thundercut)
- http://www.woostercollective.com/ (su/about New York)
- http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/index.html (artista/artist Julian Beever)
- http://www.kurtwenner.com/ (artista/artist Kurt Wenner)
- http://www.davewarnke.com/ (artista/artist Dave)
- http://www.thelondonpolice.com/ (crew The London Police)
- http://www.streetsy.com/ (Daily Street Art)
Siti di e su stencilers / Sites about or made by stencilers
- http://www.stencilrevolution.com/homepage.php
- http://www.woostercollective.com/ (su/about New York)
- http://www.graffzoo.com/ (Italian Magazine)
- http://www.lodown.com/ (London Magazine)
Competizioni e awards internazionali / Competitions and international awards
- Write4Gold http://www.write4gold.info/ (aerosol art competition worldwide)
Font di graffiti /Graffiti fonts
- http://www.stickit.nl/ (street art, art, post-graffiti)
Video sulla street art
Banksy saluta New York: salvate la "street art" , Repubblica online, 1 novembre 2013
L'infinito sui muri del Prenestino. Lo street artist Agostino Iacurci ha dipinto sul muro dell'istituto tecnico industriale di via Teano , Corriere della sera online, 25 ottobre 2013
- Invasione pacifica a Berlino , DCasa La Repubblica, 22 ottobre 2013
Ringraziamenti/Aknowledgements: Giuliana De Francesco, Marzia Piccininno, Michele Prudente.